Celebrities and Non-Profits

Whether they’re movie stars, athletes, composers, comedians, or musicians, celebrities have a great deal of pull in today’s society. They are constantly in the eye of the public, and the choices they make can affect our own decisions because they are influencers. When celebrities choose to endorse a specific nonprofit organization, the public takes notice.

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Documentary: Hungry For Change

While you’re waiting another whole year for the new season of Orange is the New Black to come out on Netflix, take a gander at one of the genres rarely browsed upon on this wonderful website: the documentary section.  There you will find an extensive selection of films that will completely change the way you look at our world. One of these amazing documentaries is James Colquohoun and Laurentine ten Boseh’s Hungry For Change.

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Help Conserve Wildlife While You Travel

From Africa to Asia, the seven continents are home to the most treasured - and endangered - animal species on the planet. However, these continents are also rampant with dangers that threaten to destroy the habitats of these animals or pose a direct threat to the animal itself. Some of these threats include - but are not limited to - poaching, habitat loss, the illegal wildlife trade, disease, global warming, overexploitation, and bycatch. Although you cannot remedy all of these major threats while on vacation, there are certain measures and actions you can take which will actively contribute towards the end of some of them. There is no need to stop enjoying your holiday in order to help animals. All of the actions that are outlined below, can easily be done in conjunction with whatever fun activities you have planned. 

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Victoria E.
Have You Volunteered Today?

Most young adults in modern society don’t even consider volunteer work to be a viable option for summer or even additional work. While most college students are ‘glad’ to get an unpaid internship, they must ask themselves a valuable question when the experience is over: what did I learn? Going into an interview for any future job, you must be able to talk about what you did during your internship, and what skills you acquired. This can be a daunting task because many internships do not give you any experience at all. In most cases, volunteer opportunities offer you real world experience that most employers are looking for.

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Daniel O.
JacksGap: Making a Difference One Video at a Time

YouTube is a place of endless possibilities. You can spend multiple hours getting sucked into one funny cat video after another, or you could be on the opposite end of the camera, filming yourself for the world to see. If you are one of the lucky few, you gain a following of fans, sometimes even reaching the millions. How do some handle this type of newfound fame? For British YouTubers Jack and Finn Harries, they chose to use their fame to help change the world.

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Katherine W.
Love Animals? 5 Non-Profit Organizations Devoted To The Rights Of Animals

When you are volunteering at a nonprofit organization, you should be giving your time towards something you personally love and believe in. For some people, this might be caring for the homeless, for others, delivering meals to the elderly, or cleaning up the streets. But if you’re interested in animals,  there are hundreds of nonprofit organizations that you can volunteer at which concentrate on the rights and care of animals. So whether you want to spend your time fighting for the rights of abused and mistreated animals, or you want to cuddle up to homeless puppies and kittens, then you are sure to find an organization that suits you. Take a look at some popular organizations below..

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Victoria E.
Changing the World, One Documentary at a Time

One of the largest barriers to service is people feeling unqualified to work for a cause. This “impostor syndrome” prevents people with a lot to offer, whether it’s their time, money, or skills, from helping to affect change in their communities and the world at large. Documentaries are an effective, engaging way to learn about issues and become inspired to take action. The three documentaries listed below are particularly impactful and are accompanied by organizations related to the film’s subject.

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Anna G.
5 Nonprofits Working to End Modern Day Slavery

In today’s world, many of us are quick to assume that the battle on slavery is over when in fact, the number of people in bondage to slavery has totaled to its highest in history with an estimated 36 million men, women, and children enslaved. The highest area of enslavement is with human trafficking.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, human trafficking is “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion... for the purpose of exploitation.”

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Jada C.
Why You Should Volunteer Now

Have you ever thought about doing volunteer work, but never actually followed through with getting involved? The truth is, the act of volunteering is exceedingly more beneficial than you may be led to believe. In a study conducted by The Corporation for National and Community Service, results concluded that those with volunteer experience had 27% higher chance of getting hired than those who didn’t. Research conducted in Switzerland, reportedly the happiest country in the world, revealed that people who volunteer are more likely to be happier and have a  work-life balance than those who don’t. Hence, there seems to be a secret to a better life. Below I’ll explain the three greatest benefits as to why you should be a volunteer junkie.

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Jada C.
6 Reasons Why Volunteering Looks Great To Potential Employers

When people discuss the benefits of volunteer work, from the point-of-view of the volunteer, they only discuss it in the immediate sense. Yes, there is an immediate feel-good buzz that you get afterward from the knowledge that you helped someone else during their time of need. However, there are long-term benefits that come from volunteer work that can continue to benefit the volunteer long after the work has been done. One of these is that it can boost your image in the minds of potential employers. Read on to discover the six reasons why the volunteer work you do today, can influence your chances of being hired in the future.

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Top Three Peace Corps Alternatives

Volunteer opportunities may be something forced upon students in high school, but for those who partake in these opportunities regularly, it’s easy to know why someone would enjoy it so much. You’re able to give back to the community and see how just a small act of kindness can really help those in need. You are also able to broaden your sense of understanding when it comes to lives other than your own. You can see how other people live, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. 
For some, however, volunteering at the soup kitchen once a week isn’t enough; these individuals want to go out into the world and make a difference. These people are looking for treks that will take them into a whole new world, and simultaneously allow them to volunteer and connect with those that they are helping. 

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The Lowdown On Volunteering Abroad

If you are looking for an opportunity to experience a new culture and broaden your horizons, while also contributing to a new community in a positive way, then perhaps volunteering abroad is the right option for you. I’m sure that you’ve already heard of volunteering abroad before and wanted to find out more about it. However, there is such an overwhelming amount of information available, that it makes it hard to sift through all of it to find the information that is relevant to you. Chiefly: What exactly is volunteering abroad? What are the different programs offered? And, how do I get involved? This article makes learning about volunteering abroad easy, as it covers these three main questions that you need to know in order to make a decision. 

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Four Small Ways To Make A Difference In Your Community

Volunteering within your community is the perfect first step to volunteering abroad, and eventually entering the workforce. Community work is undoubtedly a rewarding experience, as you are essentially ‘giving back’ to the environment and social network in which you live in. If you’re looking to make a positive impact in your community, you needn’t think in grand, bold terms. Most of the people who have made enduring and substantial changes in their communities have done so by doing plenty of small actions that add up to a substantial whole. 

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