Which Travel Books Actually Help?
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The last thing someone wants to do before a trip is walk into a bookstore and stare at the countless supply of travel books claiming to be the best one for their destination. Trying to pick out a guidebook to help you at your destination should not become a bigger headache than it needs to be. Here are some books that will rise above the others and be your companion during your travels.
How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Revised: Travel Cheaper, Longer, and Smarter by Matt Kepnes is a book that is worth a read before setting off on your journey. Even if your travel goal isn’t to spend $50 a day, this book offers tips on various ways to save money while traveling. From the least expensive place to spend the night, to getting discount flights, or how to enjoy attractions while almost paying nothing out of your pocket, this guide has it all. This book also talks about popular destinations and how to budget accordingly for specific cities. For young travelers especially, this book is a lifesaver when it comes to traveling on a budget.
For destination specific books, the Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide Series is one series to look at. It is current, gives maps of the city and of common modes of transportation, and provides the hours, and information on popular attractions to visit in the city. The guide also gives restaurant recommendations and tips on local hotspots. These guides also have a section about street smarts for the specific city, providing tips and suggestions to help enjoy the trip.
If you are looking for a more creative option than the usual tourist attraction-based books, then the Citi X 60 series by Viction Workshop is something to look into. This series of books describes itself as, “ a comprehensive lifestyle survey highlighting recommendations by 60 local creatives.” The guides for selected cities cover everything from where to eat, the best place to look at art, the nightlife, to where you should stay. Since the recommendations come from actual locals of the specific city, there is a larger variety of options to chose from than the usual tourist recommended places.
Whether you want to try and budget your trip more wisely, pick up a classic guide of a city, or venture and try to experience a city like a local, there is a book for you out there. When you are on a hunt for a travel book, for your next destination, check out these options that will help you navigate your destination.